What is Tick and Point and margin value for each contract

Understanding what is Tick, Point and margin value for each contract is important if you want to trade Futures. On this page, I will describe tick value for each point of a contract with margin requirements in a table format. Remember that values are good as of writing of this article. You can refer to this article any time you want to know about margin requirements. Product codes defined in this article are available in NinjaTrader trading platform. There are different types of instrument. On this page, I am only describing instruments that I trade or are commonly traded.

Tick size refers to the minimum price movement of a trading instrument in a market.

One point is the smallest price increment change that can occur on the left side of the decimal point.

For futures contracts, exchanges set initial margin requirements that can be as little as 3% or 12% of the contract to be traded.

SR NOSYMBOLDescriptionTicks / PointPoint value($)Intraday Margin($)Initial Margin($)
1MESMicro S&P45.00501100
2MNQMicro Nasdaq42.001001650
3MGCMicro Gold110.00200715
4MYMMicro Dow100.5050825
5M2KMicro Russell 200045.0050605
6ESE-MINI S&P 500 FUTURES450.0050011000
7NQE-MINI NASDAQ 100 FUTURES420.00100016500
8GCCOMEX 100 GOLD FUTURES1100.0020007150
9YMMini Dow15.005008250
10RTYMini Russell 20001050.005006050
11CLCrude OIL1001000.0020009460
12MCLMicro Crude Oil100100.00200946

Advantages of Trading Futures

Disadvantages of Trading Futures

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